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Re(1): Dania P4, like MC P5, needs to be modified


Just wondering if you are an "onlooker" or one who participates in wagering into these pools, and I mean BOTH pools P4 and P5, and more than just a few times? If you haven't been, and haven't experienced what the bettor experiences, I would rather hear the opinion from someone who bets them regularly.

To pay back such a small amount to bettors who wager into these pools, would be the death blow to these kind of bets.

To seed a Pick 4 pool is definitely a non-starter and would never happen and I'm just saying this because I've heard it brought up before here, even talk of seeding win pools......not gonna happen, period. I do have to admit, it is kinda funny to keep hearing announcer Dave LaMont talking about how this is the inaugural season for the new Pick 4 at Dania when the bet has been around before.

And for what it's worth, the Magic City Pick 5 is a $1 base wager and you will find in the horse racing world that ALL or 99% of the US-based pick 5's are 50-cent base at highest (there may be a rare exception of one that's $1 but doubt it). Most of the US Pick 6's are 10 or 20-cent base and they have decent consolation paybacks if not hit. So in the mutuel world, it would make no sense to pay back such a low consolation amount on a $1 based Pick 5 wager at MC.

I can tell you that Mr. Savin has lots of great ideas at MC and the Pick 5 payout for consolation has never changed since its inception in 2019. The only thing that changed was the min guarantee amount for being the only 5 of 5 winner, was lowered a few times.

My resume on Pick X betting is extensive, very extensive.......for horses, dogs and jai-alai and "been around the block" many times.


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