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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(3): ''Question of the Week'' #532 (REDUX) - Why do pool sizes change during the performance?

Ok, I was responding to what you asked.

I used the word 'standout', but I also said 'variable', implying a range of visibility, or apparent value.

This seems to me to be the more interesting line of thought, because if there are in fact clear cases of differing bettor participation rates within a program, then a serious analyst would want to have an answer for why.

OTOH, maybe these fluctuations never really happen, and the pools are independent of apparent hcap considerations. Aside from super games eroding tri pools, of course.

Since I don't track pools, I don't know. But if I did, that's the first thing I would investigate. Remove from consideration the slow lead-in games, and ending taper off games, and isolate any sharp variations in between. If they exist.

The implications are that with the heavy take-out, some games are objectively unpromising, possibly unbeatable without rebate, and that the betting public responds somewhat proportionately.

Or not.

OTOH, as far as support for the idea of varying-participation-levels-based-on-'visibility' goes, just look at this post excerpt from tobyonekanoby.

I have been staying away from the windows until I see some clear patterns.

Is he the only one who thinks like that?


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