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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
It’s my time to retire

Hey guys, just wanted to post this briefly as most of you probably know I announced via social media a few months ago that I will be retiring after this season. I actually announced it on November 1st 2023 exactly 22 years after I turned pro here at Dania on Nov 1st 2001. Its been a hell of a ride and boy have I enjoyed this journey throughout all these years. I made so many friends and got to play with and against players I consider legends of the sport. But Its my time. The last two years have been tough for me not competing anywhere and then jumping on the court for a short 2-3 month season against these tough young guns that have such a bright future in front of them. This operation is now more focused on bringing young prospects so they can compete at a professional level and hopefully become superstars one day. I will always be involved with this sport I love so much wether it’s in the Basque Country or here in US. Actually my main reason for wanting to play this season was to be able to compete on the same roster with my little cousin Argoitia which you guys probably know is 16years old.Of course he has a lot to learn but boy has he surprised me and others. Of course we live together and I try to give him the best advice I can. Unfortunately we had to play the quartefinals against eachother but we have no way of controlling that. It has just been a pleasure to share the locker room with such a young group and I am enjoying every second of it.

On a different note, I had a friend of mine text me today during the performance telling me there was some kind of discussion/argument on the live chat between a fan and Benny our players manager. An argument that included me some how claiming that it made no sense that I had worst stats than some weaker players in the 1,2,3 post positions. Sure enough I checked the chat and also saw a comment about Benny possibly asking me and Leke to somehow “play it easy” on the youngsters. Benny’s responses were spot on and couldnt thank him enough for defending me on the chat since I am not allowed to post on it during the performance. This is what I have to say. If a players manager would ask me at any point in my career to take it easy on any player while we are playing a professional sport I would rip the contract in pieces and walk right out the door. Stats are stas, I get it… But for someone to think that I gain anything by not trying in the 1,2,3 whole and trying harder in the 5,6,7 is absolutely bizarre. I have a love for this sport and have always tried my best. Have I played at my 100% every point for 22 years?? Of course not. It’s impossible. But during my last season here for someone to put in doubt the “integrity” of an athlete or an operation just blows my mind. I am here to win. Till the last day I play on that court. I don’t give a crap about the stats in each post position or probablities.. You go out there and compete at your highest level. That’s all there is to it.

Hope to see some of you guys at Dania during these last 5/6 weeks ..


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