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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Arrieta's Rebote Game 7 Sat Mat Game Point

That was beautiful - instant winner. And not much room for error in clearing the upper front cushion.

I think you are right that you would have to watch a lot of video to find another that clean.

Technique-wise, for a YouTube video, if you right-click on it, one of the options will be 'Copy video URL at current time'. So just choose the ideal starting point and choose that and then paste it here in the 'Link URL:' input box. Put something in 'Link Name:' and that's it.

I wish more people would post a few highlights here.

Here is an example where Oierdi amazingly spoiled Goiko's intention of a post 7 singles runout in his final performance. I find it interesting that Etch also went for broke right off the serve in the preceding point. Also, if you back up one more point to where Goiko faced Aaron, you see a demo of what might have happened every time Goiko was given a short ball in singles, had his visit been extended. Precision right-side kill.

Goiko vs Oierdi


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