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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Any disciplinary action?

Tiger, in the interest of fairness, Stu addressed the issue on Tuesday. Here is the timestamped link:

Suffice it to say that I am not convinced by Stu's arguments. A bit of irrelevant victim-blaming insinuation (Goixerri had no time to move), then an irrelevant straw-man argument and finally admitting that nothing excuses it but then that followed by excuses and covering for Carballo, by saying it was not malicious.

Malicious intent or not, it was all kinds of not cool in my book and extremely bad sportsmanship. And so was yelling at Goixerri about it afterward, when Carballo was the one at fault! At the very least he should publicly apologize to Goixerri and then grow the fuck up and gain some self-control.

Stu said that they had an internal discussion with Carballo about it. So that is that. End of story.

I do not rescind my words. I have lost all respect for Carballo and will root against him from now on. He has shown his lack of character, as far as I am concerned.

The good sportsmanship usually shown in Jai-Alai is one of the main reasons I love the sport so much. That is why, when I see bad sportsmanship, I get miffed and tizzified.

I have more than said my piece. I will shut the hell up about it now.


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