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"Question of the Week" Archive

Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
1st - Brief Statement - Longer to Follow

Since most of you are Jai-Alai historians - answer me these few questions in advance of my longer, thorough response (probably tomorrow).
1. What punishment was given to the player or players who painted a swastika on Joey’s locker sometime in ‘73 - ‘74?
Other players I’ll not mention by name.
2. What was the punishment for a player hanging a dead chicken in the locker of a player who believed in Santeria?
3. How many players at different frontons “settled their differences” in the parking lot - in some cases as suggested by a Players manager?
4. How many times did players get away with threatening, or in at least two cases that I know of, physically hitting a patron?
5. What would you guess is the number of players who have played a Quiniela under the influence of Alcohol or some other intoxicant?
6. What was the punishment for the two players (actually playing as a team) who got into a physical altercation, during a game, rolling out of the cage & onto the locker room floor, involving hitting and kicking requiring of physical restraint? (They finished the game by the way).

Here’s my point - the “majority” of you know nothing about what goes on in the locker room and parking lots. Except of course for those of you who played and then you only know what you saw / experienced.

“The back” was ALWAYS kept hidden from the public until recently. No one before me spoke openly in the broadcast, nor has any fronton offered the degree of transparency we have since the beginning (when many in this chat said we should be closed down).

So with respect to the matter at hand I will say this (here). There was no malicious intent on the part of Carballo. It was dangerous, no doubt. The fact that Goixerri was “not happy” drew attention to Carballo’s response which did not involve an “apology..” Carballo was wrong to throw it but there was ZERO intent to hit or endanger Goixerri and Carballo has been on the receiving end of that & other situations maybe 2 dozen times.

What if any conversations were had with Carballo and any punishments will not be discussed publicly - just as issues in Jai-Alai Locker Rooms have never been discussed publicly. I’ll write further on this at a later time.


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