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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Pretty arrogant and snotty response

I realize Stu is pretty well regarded here on this board. His statement is just wrong on many levels.

He cites examples from 50 years ago of locker room behavior which is irrelevent to the matter of what occured on the court. He even insults the chalkies knowledge regarding their comments of they saw. What happens in a locker room is one thing- what happens on the court is clearly something else. Same as in MLB, when a pitcher throws a 98 mph fastball at a batters head and it hits them in the helmet - it doesnt matter what his intentions were, intentional or not. It's extremely reckless and dangerous and that results in ejection and suspension of a number of games. He's certainly missing the point digging in on Carballos intentions. It's the result that matters.

His long delay in responding only came about after a near unanimous condemnation by chalkies and then to take the attitude I shouldnt even be commenting publicly like its none of our business. Its like he is telling the die hard fans, you're vocal idiots and its none of your business how I deal with discipline.

His follow up response certainly needs to be more contrite.


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