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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)

Watched last night’s partido live online, and then watched it again this morning on the replay. I won’t talk about who won, in case people haven’t seen it yet. So no spoilers here.

Anyone who loves jai-alai and hasn’t seen it yet should go watch it. There were the usual good catches by everyone. And some really well placed (basically perfect) cortadas.

But what stuck out to me were the incredible left side rebotes during the match, some of which went for point ending winners. When you see a player who is just a foot away from the side wall and turns the rebote and it hits the perfect spot on the front wall then comes screaming down, hugging the side wall and placed where neither of the opposing players can make the catch and return….then you know you’re watching real jai-alai being played at the highest level.

Mucho to all 4 players last night!


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