Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
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Forum de discussion pour le Paradis de Pelote Basque

hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
What is rubber?

So, once again, are ball is not rubber. It has literally zero rubber content. Traditional Jai-Alai pelotas have a core which actually is rubber.

The Magic City ball is less-hard than the “completed” Jai-Alai pelota - agreed.

The hardness of the Magic City ball is such that after being thrown to the wall (traveling fastest directly out of the basket) and coming off the wall it is still capable of breaking bone as evidenced in January 2022 when Inaki sustained an Ulna fracture when our ball hit his wrist coming off the wall. It might be that a traditional Jai-Alai ball may have created a “worse” fracture but any ball capable of breaking bone is a hard ball.

Dont let the sound fool you - it’ is a beautiful sound. So beautiful in fact that most frontons have a ball-mike suspended above the front wall that’s hooked into the main sound board to amplify that sound throughout the entire fronton. Further ironically, the “rubber” content of the traditional pelota is a significant contributor to that sound because the remaining nylon and goat skin just kind-of make a thud sound (similar to our ball - which ironically has no rubber).


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