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Who do you think is going to Win the Dania Doubles Championship?

Getting back to more positive subjects... who do you think is going to win Dania's Doubles Championship on Friday night?

It is Bixente and Atain vs Urreisti and Oyhenard.

If I am reading the Feb 18th Dania stat pack right (thanks Mo!):
Bixente has a doubles record of 56 wins and an ITM of 45.4%.
Urreisti has a doubles record of 55 wins and an ITM of 44.7%.
Atain has a doubles record of 48 wins and an ITM of 44.7%.
Oyhenard has a doubles record of 55 wins and an ITM of 43.0%.

Of course, stats aren't everything. What about the Eye of the Tiger Factor? Does Bixente have something to prove from not winning it last year? Or is the much improved Urreisti hungrier?

To me, Urreisti and Oyhenard looked like they wanted it more in the last game against Urrutia and Laborde.

Atain was not looking as sharp last week, as I have seen him but that doesn't predict anything for this week.

So far, everyone I have rooted for has lost, so I am willing to accept large money offers to root for whoever you want to lose!

Who do you think will win and why? Who do you want to win and why?

I like all these guys, so it is hard to pick.

Thanks to Benny Bueno and Dave LaMont for putting on a great tournament and highlighting these young, up and coming players!


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