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Re(1): Player scoring/rating/weighting: Is 5-3-1 right for Campeonato points?

Interesting to think about. I definitely think a point for 3rd makes sense. Should 2 places be worth more than 1 win? That one doesn’t feel right in a way. But not too far “off” either.

Dania used to offer a season ending campeonata award….and they used the 5-3-1 system. And when I look back at who won the campeonata there over the years, the names seem about right to me as who should have.

If we look at this season at Dania, right now the top three for campeonata would be:

706 - Urreisti
698 - Bixente
645 - Urrutia

Bixente has the most wins, but Urreisti passes him in points here with more places and shows.
And those two meet for the final in the partido tonight. So overall, a system that has them neck and necked as the top 2 seems right.

And then I think back to the days when I was a ballboy, 35 years ago(!), and the boleto or prize money structure was $40 for win, $30 for place and $20 for show. A team split that per game, or one player got all of it for singles. So the fronton paid $90 per game. If they had adopted the “5-3-1” weighting system then they would have paid $50 for win, $30 for place and $10 for show….still $90 per game. Does that allocation of prize money seem “better” to me? Yes it does. A win should definitely be worth more than 2 shows in my book.

So based on all that, I think 5-3-1 is the right allocation for W-P-S credit.


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