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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, Duffy (Thursday)
Happy Birthday, 4decadepro (Friday)
My take

That was a GREAT video. I've never been behind the scenes at a fronton, and it was cool to see all the players in that environment.

The season, overall, was GREAT. The first month was all about the "B's and the "U's." Bixente, Benetrix, Urrutia, and Urreisti. And Danel started off great.

There were some players I did not know what to make of, as I'd never seen them before, like Txanika, Jagoba, and neither did much the first month. Jagoba was virtually ignored by me on wagering. But the final 4 weeks, he became so much improved, and became a favorite of mine.

But, hands down THE most improved player, by a longshot was Libois. The final 6 weeks, he was winning so many games and just playing great. If he did not overserve so much, he'd probably be top 3. I think he could become a really, really good player. Same with Jagoba.

I also like Laloo a lot. You can see he plays his ass off.

In the final month, all the fronts were playing equally well, except maybe Aaron. I like Aaron, but that left side needs work. But with all the fronts playing so good, and most backs fairly consistent, the games lasted longer and longer, which I prefer. It made for great payoffs, too.

Looking forward to next season, and I've seen the chat about hoping for a longer season. 6 months? That's too long these days. 4 months would be great, in my opinion. I'm happy with 3.

Great job by all...a great season!


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