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Ok, but…

Thanks for the suggestion, I’m always open to suggestions.
I won’t say that it is a bad suggestion, but I’ll explain to you my feelings about it. Unlike the frontons that I’m familiar with Miami, Tampa, Fort Pierce, and Ocala where the camera angle is level to the floor, the camera booth at Dania is on the second story or about 20 feet above ground. Whenever there’s an issue with the back camera and we do the front camera alone, the camera man has to swing the camera from one side to the other radically to catch a shot. On the other courts mentioned, the camera can move, smoothly left, and right, without having to go up or down for the court and its distance to the front or back. That’s the main reason for the back camera. In addition, and I won’t speak for anyone, but myself, when on the other courts mentioned, the camera can move, smoothly left, and right, without having to go up or down for the court and it’s distance to the front or back. That’s the main reason for the back camera. In addition, and I won’t speak for anyone, but myself, when a guy throws a good Cortada, or a two walls I like to see where the ball hits on the front wall and if it lands in or out. The same thing With every throw to see if it hits the front wall or the pad. The front camera cannot catch that. I will admit that I am not fond of the camera angles at Dania and I’m always trying to find a better way. Earlier this year I had brought up creating new and better positions for the camera down lower to the court. There was a cost associated to that and I had to pick and choose what I was able to do within the budget allowed. Maybe next season I could change the camera angles and add another camera or two to create a better flow of the games. All in all, without the back camera we can’t see the ball hit the front wall and/or the pad.


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