Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
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hits since 8/12/03
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Re(1): Ok, but…

I agree that seeing where the ball hits on the front wall is necessary. And the camera facing the back wall lets us see the player's faces, which is important to me for engagement.

My problem with the camera facing the back wall is that when it was not in stationary mode, the cameraman was zooming in and out too much and the the side-to-side movement was often not smooth. Combined, it was distracting.

I think it got a little better as the tournament progressed but it was almost like the bearing or whatever allows the camera to rotate, needed lubrication or replacing. Or perhaps it was the operator not being smooth with it. It was a little jerky at times. Add in the constant zooming and it was somewhat annoying and amateurish.

Unfortunately, it does not look like there is a perfect, stationary position, at just the right zoom level, to catch everything for the camera facing the back wall. If there was, I would prefer to leave both cameras stationary and switch at the right time between them.

Anyway, this is just nitpicking. Overall I very much enjoyed watching Dania Jai-Alai again! What a fun and talented group you found to play.


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