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Re(1): R.I.P. The Great Orbea

Rest in peace, Orbea.
Several years ago I obtained a massive autobiography of Orbea, written by Jose Augustine Larranaga Lejardi in 2021 entitled "Fernando Orbea, Cesta de Oro". It's massive- more than 600 pages in length and discusses his early life and his entire career, probably every partition he participated in as well as every tournament he participated in from 1948 until his retirement (including scores!). Unfortunately, it is written in Spanish and I am not a Spanish scholar, so I only got the gist of the writing. It is loaded with photographs and towards the end of the missive contains a section with mini biographies of all the greats. By the way there are bios of many players throughout the book. Truly fascinating stuff.
I wish I could understand the writing better, because it includes articles, opinions, anecdotes and all kinds of stuff. It weighs nearly 4 pounds and was given to me by the author.


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