The Lost Islands

Vox populi.


Mare | 15.2hhs | Dunskin Pintaloosa | Crown of Paradise


It had not taken long for Snapdragon to fall asleep. Her mind was over stimulated with pain and exhaustion and it caused her pale body to just rest. She had not meant to fall asleep, but it only lasted so long before a nicker had her head raising and tired eyes to flicker open and land upon Finley. A smile graced her lips, but her head lowered back to the ground with a pained groan escaping her lips. She should really get up and move around, but the pale mare barely could get her mouth to work just enough to speak to the love in which stood before her and their child.

“F… Finley.” She managed to rumble, her head rolling a bit to set one pale eye upon the dark clad stallion. He had been the only stallion she had been around during the fall, well at least the only stallion she had allowed to woo her just enough for a child. Snapdragon was still young with being three and a mother, but she would survive just fine as she grunted and lifted her head again. “Meet your daughter.” Her words were softer this time.

The labor had not been easy, that was easy enough to see when her head lolled again and her eyes closed with a pained sigh. Snapdragon had done enough to clean, feed, and care for the foal before she bedded down, but now she was stuck there. THe strong spirited mare was nothing more than a place mat at the moment as she just smiled, the child waking enough to set kind eyes upon her father. “Bubbles.” Snapdragon hummed, the child's name an odd one, but cute nonetheless.

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