The Lost Islands

when life gives you lines; birth / sangria / open

In my defense,
the moon was full
and I was left

Dawn's light broke through the pine canopy above in small smattering of glowing patches, illuminating the red and white filly at her hooves in small increments. Margarita had delivered her only an hour or so ago, but had decided not to call for Zurok yet, and to keep these first few precious moments for herself. She kept running her lips possessively along the girl's fluffy wisps of mane, dragging in the rich scent of newborn.

She wasn't sure why she felt she needed the time alone, only that something between them had shifted as her suspicions grew. She couldn't understand why she had smelled her sister on Zurok's coat a second time. Margarita could explain it away, maybe, when he led the Prairie and was solidifying alliances... but he did not lead a land now. Only herself and a few others. And now there was a child with a suspiciously dished face that smelled of the Inlet bobbing around.

She was afraid of what it meant. Because if what she feared was true, she was not certain she could look at Zurok the same way. He was hers. Sharing with strangers was hard enough, but her own sister? The sister that already had a land and a thousand lovers? Why should Parvarti have Zurok too? Was she not enough?

The tobiano mare shook her head and buried her muzzle against Sangria's downy fur once more, huffing the scent of her daughter and reassuring herself that it was okay. They were okay. Zurok wouldn't do that to her, surely. Lipping at the curly tendrils of the filly's forelock, Margarita hummed softly, unable to wait any longer while she slept. "Good morning little love, time to meet the world."
Young MareMuttSmoky Black Tobiano16.2h
Solomon x MimosaBayLove
Background by Pixabay - All else by loveinspired

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