The Lost Islands


Welcome to The Lost Islands! Before joining, please ensure that you have read the general section on our rules page; all other sections can be consulted as needed. Please also make sure that your character's name is available by checking the Members and Reserved Names pages.

Please also be sure that your character's height and color conform to breed standards. All horses must be between 13 and 18 hands tall, but a maximum of 2 inches above or below the breed standard is permitted for natural variation. Please be as specific as possible regarding your character's color so that we can list it accurately on the members page (e.g. specifying base colors for gray horses; specifying a particular pinto pattern; etc). However, you do not need to have any particular knowledge of color genetics; the mods will help you with this if needed.

Please include the following information in your joining post:

  • Member Name
  • Character Name
  • Gender
  • Breed
  • Color
  • Height
  • Age
  • Lineage (if born on TLI)

If you are a new member, please also include the following:

  • Member Contact (e.g. email or discord name)
  • Sample Post (old work is accepted)
  • How you found out about us (e.g. an ad, referral from another player, etc.)

Finally, please wait until a moderator accepts you before you begin posting in-character. Otherwise, have fun!

[x] *

Moved all Kai characters to Bird for the time being until I get clarification on which characters are staying as Kai and going deceased.

    • accepted! -
    • >>> -

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