The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

There's nothing like a colorless canvas. (Open)

Gentle winds pulled against thin strands of white fur. Strands of a white mane and tail fluttered on the breeze, but eyes of a soft blue held a slight touch of sorrow. The horse named Bexley had washed upon the shores of the Harbor a long time ago, but now she was leaving the place she called home. Martyr had not been seen by her own eyes for a long while now and she was certain it was time to go search for a new home, but she had been sheltered just enough to not know what would be coming her way once her pale hooves reached the Crossing.

Lashing her tail with a tired sigh, Bexley let her eyes close for a moment as her movements stopped. She was far enough into this commons area now to know there was no leaving just yet. She had been wandering for a while now, but the pale mare just wanted it all to end. She wanted a home, a sanctuary. The Harbor wasn't bad, don't get her wrong, but it was not what she had thought it to be. She had thought about finding another territory on that island to call home, but now it was certainly time to find something else. There had been some changes on Atlantis and she was finally just ready to be something more than a pale ghost.

Blinking open her blue eyes, Bexley let her long tail flick against her hocks before she lowered her head and began to graze. She would find someone here hopefully, but she did not really hold out much hope. Gone was the mare that hid behind a playful mask avoiding her past and instead stood a mare that was just tired. She was exhausted, but she let her body fall into the painless rhythm of grazing on fresh Spring grass.

Mare | 16hhs | Dominant White | Of The Lost Island Wilds

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