The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is allowed here once a week per character, as is blocking force-claims by the Peak/Lagoon (as a whole) once a week. Rollover is on Sundays.

Let's dance the crimson river.

Dragging in blades of grass from where they rest under the snow, Baton Rouge let her lips flicker over the half dead greenery. Her large teeth pulled and nipped at the steps before chewing and allowing herself to swallow the bits. Her bright eyes flickered for a moment as she took in her surroundings, but she easily went back to her grazing when she heard something behind her. Her large ears swiveled, but she made no motion on moving until a voice cut through the ambient silence.

Lifting her head and setting her gaze upon a stallion, Baton Rouge faintly raised a brow under her thick forelock. She was not entirely sure what he was getting at with his question, but already her notion for being a weakling had her eyes wanting to roll. “I do know where I am.” She hummed, her head tilting as she watched him move as if she were a snake ready to strike. Baton Rouge was a large mare for sure, but she wasn't entirely stupid when it came to brute strength against speed.

“Why? Is it a problem for me to eat out here?” Her question held sarcasm like a German Chocolate cake frosting. It was overly sweet and sugary to the point that anyone would understand she was full of shit and ready for him to get to his point. Rolling her eyes finally though, the mare went back to the grass at her hooves as if he was not something more than a stray fly buzzing around her ears. Already she detested his presence, but she did not show any other outright signs on that fact.

mare | 18.0hhs | sooty bay | of the lost island wilds


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