The Lost Islands


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we can be heroes -- just for one day


He reached for her and she was helpless to resist him, extending her own muzzle toward him to drink in the masculine scent of him. A part of her had been afraid that her attraction to the massive stallion had been fleeting, and that her memory was making more of it than she had expected, but she was happy to be proven wrong.

Nearly a full year had passed since she had last seen Vadim, and yet she found herself even more bashful in his presence than she had been the first day. Nerves twisted her stomach and stalled the words she'd wanted to say, but he thankfully did not seem to take offense.

He spoke again and she felt her throat go tight as he favored her with compliments, her body growing warm beneath his attention, only to cool a moment at the final implication he left. Her brow furrowed and she shook her head for a moment, trying to rationalize the hurt she felt at his assumption that she would be unfaithful (which wasn't the right word, but was close enough) to the promise she had already made him.

"I made a promise, too." She said softly, her gaze searching his. They barely knew each other, and so he had no reason to believe that she would stay true to what she'd said, but that didn't stop her heart from aching a little.

"So," she stalled, the word drawing out as she struggled to make her brain for coherent words. "You made it to the Badlands, then?" She questioned, staring up at him, her breath feeling tight in her chest.
esmeray . mare . mutt . 16.2hh . solomon x feray
dunskin varnish roan tobiano . loveinspired
Character by lovinspired | Background by Pixabay | Lineart by Lunameyza on DA

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