The Lost Islands

let me be brave

cw: mentions of psychedelic's death and various stages of corpse decay (very brief, non-descriptive!)

It had not taken much time for her to come across the body of Psychedelic, battered and lifeless, on one of her various patrols. Initially there had been shock, but the more she surveyed the surroundings the more she pieced together. There was too much evidence at the site of Tyr’s involvement and, it being who it was lying there, she knew without question who had taken him out. Oswin had always boldly stood to protect those who could not protect themselves and sometimes that could be mistaken as being a sort of lawful good type.

The truth of the matter was that as she looked at the dead Lagoon pest decaying, the scent almost suffocating, she only thought one word.


She had pushed the scent out of her nose with an offended snort and turned on her haunches to head the other way. Since that day she’d stayed a fair distance from the spot, but close enough to stop any Ridge resident who attempted to go that direction. She did not know if anyone had found the scene before she did, but she would rather avoid them coming across the body in whatever state of decay the humid Atlantis air had it in, particularly the younger horses of the territory.

Oswin had noticed Tyr’s absence, just as she had the other times he had drifted from her or she had drifted from him. This time, though, she did not worry. Anxiety did not chase her, thinking he was through with her or some other outlandish worry. Oswin had seen the body and had seen the evidence, she knew what her king had done and she knew when he was ready, he would speak with her about it. Her faith in Tyr had grown unwavering in the years they led the Ridge together and, because of that, she could be patient as she waited for him.

She wasn’t certain if he’d meant to cross the area she was occupying, but a soft lift of the breeze brought his scent, strong and fresh, and a flick of her pale ears caught the sound of his heavy hooves and thick body moving through the jungle. She rumbled to him, beckoned him, and turned to where she could hear he was. Maybe she should have stayed quiet and seen if he would call for her or come for her, but she didn’t think to do so. Oswin only started moving, walking quietly among ferns and vines before she could perfectly make out the tall, handsome figure of her love - her king.

She stopped quietly and said nothing, only tilted her head as her dark blue eyes regarded him calmly, allowing him to be the first to speak, to act, if he wished to do so.

this is as brave as I know how to be.
I know it’s gonna hurt you, but please… be a little proud of me.


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