The Lost Islands

To be more than a conqueror - block

You have to learn to enjoy the pain
If you want to survive the game

He knew where she was going the moment she walked off. Anxiety mixed with excitement as he watches her fade into the distance knowing he would not be with her. Lucine had been private with her last birth which meant he might not know how things have went for days. The last time had been weeks of agony.

Watching over a pregnant Parvati serves some purpose of distraction. He was shocked her sister even got herself in this position after last summer. He couldn't imagine losing a child and that pain it must cause. Watching her suffer had been enough to make him second guess even trying again with Lucine. Then again, his lead mare was much too attractive to ignore. Besides, another heir wouldn't hurt. Better to double seal the deal on this leadership thing. Ensure his family had something to inherit and a strong heir to lead them.

Time passed rather slowly as he paced around the grazing herd. Nico finally finds himself unable to wait and starts on the path he had watched Lucine go. Parvati quickly blocks his path to boost about her own swollen belly. She talks and talks about how excited she was for this new baby. Not even a mention of Lati as she chatters on. Nico nods and gives his 'uh huhs' while looking over her shoulder for Lucine.

Her call sends his ears forward as he tries to get around his sister. Parvati steps ahead of him again with a sour look on her face. Nico snorts. "Parvati I have to go!" He shouts in frustration before bumping into her shoulder and racing off. He knew he would have to apologize for that later, but Lucine was much more important right now. Nico races forward as he sends a answering call.

At first he did not sense anything wrong. The Inlet has been quiet so there was no reason to worry about intruders. Oh, but he was very wrong. Not only was their an intruder, but one harassing his lead mare and child! Nico's eyes narrow as he spots the painted stallion approaching his child. His teeth bare, his ears pin, as his legs find newfound strength to push him faster towards them. "Get away from them!" He screams. Once he is close enough the Inlet leader drives his legs towards the intruder. Careful to step around his young child, Nico aims his teeth at the stallion's hide with a menacing growl.

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