The Lost Islands

For the loss of one father, I've gained another.

Resting on the ground with her mother grooming her, Rosaliana continued to cry against her own legs. She did not understand what had happened to her foal or why it had been taken far too soon, but she knew that she could never change that fact. Life was filled with ups and downs, something she had noticed right off the bat from her birth. She had been right in sight of danger and she had also watched life flourish. She had avoided her mother and her brother, but now she was here and there was not a single thing she could do about it either.

Hearing a voice behind her, Rosaliana opened her eyes and set them upon her father. She was not related by blood to Tyr, but he was the only father she had known and it showed plain as day when she rose from the ground on shaky legs and stumbled over to the draft of a stallion. Her head aimed to land upon his chest as tears streamed down her face, but she was unable to tell between the pounding of her head and snot filled nostrils if she had landed against him.

“Dad… I don't know what happened.” She cried, her pale eyes closed as her body trembled where it stood. She had been so careful during her pregnancy. She had not done anything to make harm come upon herself and yet her child lay lifeless in a heap back in the dense jungle. She had been so close to falling off the ledge as well, but now she just wanted to be held and to understand what had really happened. “What… What did I do so wrong for my baby to not even breathe once?”

mare | 16hhs | bay dun sabino | of the ridge

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