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Re(1): Didn’t Local TV Learn From Before?

Well in the market I'm in, for some odd reason the WXmen downplay the storms, talk sofly, very matter the fact...but there's one thing I noticed that I thought we all did better in KC.

Neither of the two stations WXmen, who are very smooth, rely totally on their radar. In the cities in KS to my recollection, they had people very closely listening to the Sheriffs people in the field and passing the tidbits to the on-air presenter...not fake reporter round robins talking about how they're racing to chase clouds, but SO's reporting damage calls very quickly.

Wichita had an outfit called RACES, they were ham radio spotters before the radar images got really good...very well organized. Can't say they made the town actually SAFER but the stations that carried that stuff had good reputations for their coverage. This town had 500 homes hit 3 years ago, they're still recovering tho a lot of rebuilding is done...people do take it seriously, even tho it seems KS and KC have gotten the really badstuff this year.

I got a very classy tornado photo from Westmoreland and sent it quickly to MSNBC and they did run it, and next day, they had home video from there and one of the T-town stations had sent them storm damage...that was the one where the woman died in a mobile home.

I liked it a lot better in KC during storms because most people have basements...not so in KY whose terrain isn't conducive to digging basements. There just isn't anywhere to hide without a basement. When it hits the fan tho I still log into KMBC's radar because its full screen, and you can scroll anywhere in the country on their feed.

Is Rowland still chasing them in the air?

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