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Looking for Life Times series AU fanfic by Quetzel

Hi everyone! I’m wondering if anyone can help me find a AU X-Files fanfic by the author Quetzel who sometimes goes by Agent Quetzel. They have a really great series of writings titled Life Times I’ve recently read.

Life Times: Secrets All Around

Life Times II: Friend or Foe

Life Times: Best Friends With Benefits

Life Times IV: Laches and Lysis

I found them all on:

When I fished
Life Times IV: Laches and Lysis
the author posted a teaser for

Life Times V: Inequity:

It's the 1990's (sorry if any of you are dissapointed) and Pheobe
Green has partnered with a drug lord and criminal in Peurto Rico. Scully and Skinner are part of a special team to bring them and their empire down, Mulder is an innocent man who was pushed into the cross fire. He was accussed of comitting a crime, and the FBI offered him a way to avoid prison, by helping them catch his old girlfriend, Pheobe. Now, on his own crawling through enemy territory, he has only one stranger to count on, Scully. The FBI has told him only half truths and his enemy has told him less... Not able to tell the good from the bad, he must depend on strangers to help him out, can he escape both sides before he is a victim to the lies?

If the author did indeed write this fanfic, does anyone know where I can find it to read or download? I appreciate the assistance as I’ve been looking everywhere trying to find. Thank you!


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