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Remembering everything except the title

It *might* be by Donna but I've yet to find it on her site. She used to have a colonization category but it's gone for some reason and I have to look through each letter category! What I do remember:

M&S are separated when invasion shuts everything down and are working to get back together. Mulder is out west, possibly with Skinner. He/they pick up other survivors as they walk east. One scene is at a grocery store where they camp out and gather up supplies. Drama ensues.

Scully is already in the east (possibly in Virginia) but she heads to Massachusetts either with the Gunmen or she finds them along the way. She's pregnant but didn't know it until later. They also pick up survivors, plus survivors manage to track her down. There's some sort of special connection to the location going on.

That's all I remember, unfortunately, but I do know that I really liked it so no idea why I can't remember the author or title. ~head-desk~ It's very much in the style of the two you mentioned. I'll keep looking and will hopefully return with a link. Then I can add it to Colonization HQ!


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