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hits since 8/12/03

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Hypothetically, in Battle Court, what is to stop a player from throwing a singles game, so that their friend can win some money?

Firstly, this is a purely hypothetical question. I do not repeat -not- think this is occurring! I honestly believe that the players at MC have way too much integrity and love for the sport to cheapen it. I am not accusing anyone of anything here!

Secondly, I do not gamble, period. Not only would the house always win in the end -in my case- but I can't predict this game very well at all. I tend to go with the favorite as far as predictions go, and that often does not work out. So, I do not know if I am missing something obvious about the mechanics of betting here due to ignorance. For example, is there a limit on how much you can bet such that throwing a game would not be worth it monetarily?

The main question: if you can bet on individual BC matches, what is stopping a singles player from throwing a game so that their friend can make some money on a big bet (and perhaps share the profits)?

Is there anything stopping that other than personal integrity and morality? It would not be too hard to do. Throw 2/3 of your kill shots out. Tip 2 or 3 balls. Throw it into the overhead screen once per set, etc.


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