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Ahh - The Proverbial “3rd Rail” of Jai-Alai

Of all the questions I’ve seriously been asked as a manager - director in Jai-Alai since first entering management in ‘97this is literally the literally and unfortunately the #1 question I’ve been asked. I resolved years ago that anything associated with gambling naturally had some kind of perceived “shade” associated with it so naturally, a sport that seemed to exist for the purpose of gambling here in the U.S. could not shake suspicion. And I’ve been mostly right.

Even though the number of actual episodes is about 5 in the past 100 years (the last I know of was 1988/89 at West Palm) many enthusiasts can still point to a dropped ball that effed up their trifecta that was somehow done on “purpose.” At a minimum everyone has at least one relative who knows with “absolute certainty” that either ushers, security or valet runners knew what “was coming in.” And my personal favorite “the number the fronton wants to win is written in code on the ball.”

You do ask some of the best questions Jatna and I can tell you what we do at Magic City. One page of the players employment contract deals specifically with “maximum possible effort” and a prohibition on a player or anyone in their immediate household placing a wager on Jai-Alai. A player who were to accept any kind of gift, bonus or anything “in kind” for their play from outside of the company would be in violation of their contract. For 2025 we will be expanding these prohibitions to ban Jai-Alai players use of apps at all at the fronton, or away from the fronton on Jai-Alai. Pretty much taking our cues from MLB & NFL, etc.

But you ask a very specific question and here is how it works: I have never placed a bet on Jai-Alai and don’t gamble (lol Powerball / Mega Millions once a week). I, JR, Scott & Andrew literally watch every point that is played at Magic City. We probably have slightly better than average insight into who is more likely to win a set or match but that’s about it. But we do know the players and between the 4 of us if someone were making unusual or “patterned” mistakes we would “probably” notice it, discuss it amongst ourselves and, at a minimum, pull the player from competition. IF any player were found to be playing to effectuate any other outcome than a win they would be terminated and permanently banned from the sport for life - full stop. That’s just if they, as you say, were trying to help out a friend or relative. If there was actual organized fixing with players receiving money directly they would still be fired but we would also self report to the Florida State Attorney and pursue criminal and potentially civil fraud charges against the player and anyone else involved. And if I worked for a company that were not willing to go to that extent I would resign on principal and cooperate fully with all appropriate authorities.

That aside, over the past 35 have I seen a player with zero points receive a ball in the last game from someone serving with possible game point and throw the ball so hard that it hit the overhead screen? Yes - intending to lose the point? I don’t believe so - just trying to throw it really hard or cut the two-wall so no one could get to it.


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