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Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
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hits since 8/12/03

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Re(1): Ahh - The Proverbial “3rd Rail” of Jai-Alai

Thanks Stu! I save my soft questions for when you or Andrew are commentating alone, so that you have something to talk about in the break. The difficult questions I ask here. Although it sounds like you have heard this one before. =p

I don't know why but I am endlessly curious and fascinated about this game and cannot seem to STFU about it. I apologize if I am annoying everyone!

As I said, I have zero doubts as to the integrity and ethics of MC players. There was one incident of what I consider to be bad sportsmanship but perhaps that was just the heat of the moment. It is not worth rehashing. And as for management: why cheat when the house is guaranteed money in the long run with no legal risk?

Code on the ball lol. How clever and paranoid.

I don't feel sorry for gamblers who do it for fun. I do feel sorry for gamblers who are so addicted that they bet their last dollars (and then cry in the chat about how poor they are).

OK, I am rambling once again. Just got up. I love retirement and sleeping whenever!

Thanks again Stu and all the best to you, Andrew, Jai-Alai, and MC. BC is so awesome and obviously a great way to take the sport in the US. It has definitely elevated the level of play from all the players. I just hope the young people have the attention span for it.


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