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Not a typo…

I’m not here to discuss the radio silence, however, I do think I should make a comment on the frustration that I am seeing on all the outlets, including this site and the YouTube chat.

I’m also not here to make excuses for anybody.

While I understand that the serving issue is frustrating, it is also part of the process.
My process.

Please allow me to explain.

In 2022, when we were in the boardroom discussing the future of Dania, I was asked specifically what I wanted to do. I answered that question with a question.

How long are we planning to play in Dania? If it’s one season, let’s go out and get some superstars and be done with it.

The reason I asked that question was because if the answer was 5, 7 or 10 years, I would go out and I would construct something that was built to last.

Hence, all the rookies.

Call it amateur ball call it AAA, call it what you like. But while I understand the frustration, for me, it’s part of the process.

I could name a dozen current and previous players that had serving issues when they debut professionally in the United States. Some of them currently playing at other facilities.

The difference in those instances is that it was one or two rookies joining a seasoned roster. So they’re serving issues weren’t magnified. This season we have 8 debutants that will eventually figure it out and be some of the better players in the United States. Or at least that’s my Goal.

There is a lot of talent on this and last years roster that is young, strong and developing.

I am not asking you to not get frustrated or to accept the situation.

I too get frustrated, but the only thing that I am betting on is that these players are going to be really good in the future.


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