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hits since 8/12/03

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Re(1): State of the onion

Hi Benny. Early on you said that there might be a service focused practice in order. I have heard many people say that that would be a good idea.

Victor, Garcia and Urreisti need it, off the top of my head. 200 serves each, should do it. =)

Personally, I am not bothered by the bad serves because I am focused on the play after serves. There has been some legitimately great rallies, catches, saves and shots in every game. There has also been some pretty poor play and everything in between.

I like the idea of nurturing rookies for the future of Jai-Alai. And I think this roster is really fun to watch, even if some of them need help with their serve.

Thank you Benny B. for all your efforts.


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