Re(1): State of the onion Posted on January 13, 2025 at 07:28:55 PM by Bada-Bing
Hello Sir, thanks for chiming in again when it’s all about being defensive for the players. It’s never “ heys guys Happy New Year got some updates about Dania and this season. As always we at Dania appreciate all the passion and support. We also appreciate the constructive criticism”. Nope that would make too much sense right Benny ? Anyway go back to the strike of the 80’s and all those replacements players. They weren’t over serving like your bunch does..not even close. So boo yah to that . Can’t wait until the next time you come from under a rock to chime in being all defensive. There has been many positive things said since the Dania season started but where have you been ? At least your consistent. Replies: