Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


I see through the eye of the storm, this apparition

Had she known what that fateful day would bring on its glorious current, she may have remained curled up in her nest. However, she traversed the terra, blissfully unaware of anything other than the unparalleled beauty of the day, so vibrant and flickering that it brought dampness to her mismatched gazers. Bright Moon was thriving and, with it, her contentment grew. New wolves poured in from the borders, mostly younger individuals intent on a new future in a pack that had previously had none. Now it glowed with the same white-hot intensity of its namesake, dressed in the vestal livery of success as the ebony soot receded from the earth, leaving an emerald carpet of life shimmering in its wake. It was through this fresh wonderland that the bruja made her jubilant way, her paws thrumming with the enthusiasm of a life she had finally managed to wrest into some manifestation of control, however feeble it sometimes appeared to be. Her lithe body contorted expertly among the bushes and shrubs freckling the landscape, their positions now ingrained so tightly in her memory that she could have avoided them without the gift of sight. Her strides were even and easy, never breaking even when she leapt over some obstacle that had risen in her path. Whenever this occurred, she would gather her legs beneath her, sinews taut as the hide of a drum, and spring upwards. Her Onyx body would arc skilfully in the limbo between earth and sky before she would float serenely earthwards, alighting once more and resuming her tireless lope without the haggardness of strained breath. She was in the prime of her life, fit and well groomed with a pack and a home. Sometimes she even managed to forget the pain that still hung like a pall in her heart.


A rogue breeze blew up, bringing with it clouds that scudded playfully in the cerulean firmament. Her nostrils flared as she took in the scents carried on the shoulder of that wind, sifting through the fine fragments of other lives into which she was allowed but a brief glimpse before the powerful squall blew on. The stark stamp of at least a dozen wolves scoured her nose clean of all other odours, and she gratefully set to work unwinding each strand of private DNA in the olfactory part of her animal brain. One of these in particular snagged her attention, for it alone did not carry the trademark undertow of Bright Moon’s scent markers. Her audits swivelled in bewilderment, pricking at the source of her growing confusion and enticing her forwards until she was positive it came from the borders. Her banner began to wave, stirred into animation at the prospect of another new face in the pack, the herald of a brighter future. It took several minutes of steady loping before she finally crested the last rise between her and the alluring fragrance of newcomer. Everything about her screamed calm and serenity, from the carriage of her head to the swell of her chest and the tiny smile breathing life onto her usually introverted mask. Nothing in the world could have prepared her for what she would have to face next.

Somewhere below the ridge upon which she stood, lay a crumpled heap of dingy fur. The shoulders it draped still cut brilliantly into the horizon with a magnificence he must have radiated in his younger years, but the wolf that lay there now was clearly utterly defeated. Satowra felt a stab of pity for the creature, though also the urge to comfort. Bright Moon was, after all, a haven for the wounded and the broken. It was a place of healing, a place where those who had been ousted from life and marginalized from society could regain their confidence and renew their vitality. The ebon fatale walked towards the stallion boldly, all her natural shyness ebbing away at the sight of his malnourished condition. The male still did not open his eyes though and, the nearer she got to the stranger, the more perplexed she felt. Something stirred in her gut, something like familiarity, and she had to shake her muzzle rapidly to fling it from her. Of course she did not know this bedraggled stranger; she had never seen him in her life! Regaining her composure and sucking in a breath she stretched her muzzle across the scent line to bury it reassuringly in his ruff, unaware at the true magnitude of the mistake she was making until the deed had been executed.

There was never such a mistake made as that one.

Satowra recoiled as though stung, her eyes rolling wildly in their sockets and the saliva evaporating from her mouth so that it gaped open, fish-like. Her hackles stood stiff on her shoulders and her ears were sleeked to her skull. The persona of normality she had finally managed to scrounge together was whisked away in an instant, leaving her once again a frightened mess who was unaware whether she bayed for retribution or pleaded for a second chance. All at once a tide of anger and unimaginable sorrow spilled from her eyes and his name left her lips in a hoarse cry, one she barely recognised as the product of her own voice,

“Omni Cader,”

Still she did not move from where she had been frozen, everything still and silent as the grave. It was as if the world had frozen around her, leaving her the sole survivor of a soundless Armageddon. Alone, unwanted, cold. The war within her chest continued fruitlessly, sadness, love, anger and disbelief each fighting tooth and nail to gain the upper hand within her soul. Had any of her warriors seen her then, Makko, Tamlin, Raylen, Rio or any of the others, they wouldn’t have recognized her. In the space of a few moments, she had reverted into a blithering pup who was lost and couldn’t remember her name. The plume of her banner lay concealed tightly between her haunches, conveying her utter helplessness. Tears continued to fall in tides down her cheeks, splashing onto the sooty earth. How the utter glory of him could be reduced to such a skinny pile of bones and a dirty pelt was unfathomable, but she knew she couldn’t just stand there any longer. All had not been forgiven, but she would not allow him to die where he lay, alone. Bursting out of the shackles of grief that bound her, she thrust herself to his side and rasped her tongue along his muzzle, tasting the salt and the grime and being revolted by it. Still she could not stop. Tears mingled with the white of his fur as she rested her head on his, feeling her existence come apart at its seams. She wanted nothing more than to lie by him, to feel his warmth pressed against her flank as she had that day so long ago in the forest. Still she had escaped from one prison to be locked in another, and she could do nothing but lick the brute, attempting to soothe away the years of pain that showed so blatantly on him. The only thing that allowed her to pull away was the knowledge that she would soon see his eyes again. Those turquoise windows that had pinned her down and never let her up again.

Oh life was so very cruel.

OOC_I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!! I LOVE role-playing with you Omega, plus Satowra never did get over him. Sorry for the post, it’s of very poor standard compared to the ones I’ve done before, but I HAD to get one up now. I really love his new HTML:D

I see through the eye of the storm;
{ Satowra | Alpha of Bright moon | ebony with a white face and a white, lightning-jagged mark on her flank | female | four years of age | lover of none}


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