Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heaven nor Hell

| Female | Adult | Mate to None | Gamma of Bright Moon | Fantasia

A low smirk covered my King's maw at my choice of wording, and the way he seemed to be relieved from any tension told me he had taken my presance well. I returned the low smile as he took in my appearance, probably noticing how exhausted I had become, but I didn't mind. It just shows him how much work I've been doing, other than like his beta or gamma. Delicate, ebon auds perked at the sound of the titan's soft chuckle, 'It's wonderful to be back. Thanks for all the hard work, Ambrosia.' I nodded a thankful way myself for his recognition of my duties, "Anytime." A low chuckle escapes my jowls as I round to take my seat, my emeralds finding purchase on Tsunami's lithe frame entering the clearing, and I smile slightly at her. The girl had seemed nice enough; I had no problem with her. Our meeting at the border had not lasted long, but I could tell she had a story that she needed to get off her chest. If she wanted to seek me out about it later, she could, and I act friendly to her so that she knows that. Tsu flops over onto her back in front of Tamlin, introducing herself and awaiting my King's approval. Sure enough, she was accepted and told to rise, but I didn't watch the ending.

Instead, my eyes flickered to the newest female approaching in the clearing. I had smelt her on my way here, crossed her scent as a stranger at the borders, but had simply passed her knowing she could find her way here on her own. Seems I had judged it right, considering she was here..Even if it was with her tail between her legs, looking guilty. Sad enough, I had to hold back some laughter; wasn't it obvious that Tamlin had called for both members and newcomers? Oh well, I guess one would not know the difference. The next to arrive had caught my attention earlier, as for I knew she was lurking in the shadows, but as she walked into the light, I was shocked by her appearance. What a great way to start off, huh? Seems this girl didn't care much on first impressions-for looks that is. It's the personality what counts, right? Oh well, seems like that wasn't the best either. The vixen was cautious, as well as more than a little serious. Down to business: she didn't take much shit before she could be blown off. Or at least that's what my evaluations produced.

The rest of the time I remained silent, watching intently on who my new pack members were. The next to arrive was a male; a little odd appearance, I must say. The boy had catapolted himself over the brush, and unfortunatly landed wrong, sending him tumbling before the ivory titan. Cocking an imaginary eyebrow, I watched as the young varg raised himself to his appendages, about to speak and introduce himself but cut off by a nasty stomach pain. Ouch, that had to hurt. I'll let Tamlin deal with that. Ha, my ears flicker in the direction of a pressence that has been there for quite some time now, but I had failed to notice. An ivory female with golden eyes was in her own corner, distanced from the rest of us. My emerald stargazers linger on her for a moment, curioiusly wondering why she didn't come closer, but I was interupted by something I really wished wasn't going to come. The scent that reached my nostrils was immediatly recognized as Raylen, and without even laying my line of vision on him my body was tensed. No, he isn't on my favorites list, if you couldn't tell. None of the ones who left me and Twilight at the pack hunt were on my good side. What they did was rediculous, and forgiveness from me and Twilight Dreams wasn't going to come easy. Our judgements were already set on them, and they weren't so easily about to change.

I decide to ignore their exchanged words, even though I heard both of their nicknames. Tammy and Ray Ray. How cute. There wasn't much of a conversation between them, more of an acknowledgment before the ivory King was beginning his articulation. Emerald oculurs focused on him, straightening slightly as I listened to his words. Nodding in agreement, I knew I had failed to go to the Abendrot's meeting, and I was actually disappointed to say so. But I guess someone had to greet all those newcomers, yes? Either way, I was going to rest before any more of that, I was exhausted. Friendly one on one sparring? Hmm, this could be interesting. A smile spread across my obsidian kissers, and I took the time as Tamlin paused to respond with a teasing question, "So this finally means I can take you on, Tamlin?" I laugh teasingly, and send a friendly wink in his way. Flirting? Nope. I was ready for this. Bring it on! Wait a moment, what was that? A change in the ranks? My attention was caught once again, and as I heard my name I was more than a little shocked at my promotion. Gamma? I contain my joyful emotions, but do not rid it from my gaze as I nod to the pallid hessian a thankful way as he meets my gaze. I worked hard for this, and now I wasn't about to let it down.



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