Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


It takes a song that reminds us of the good times, it takes a song that reminds us of the best times

OOC: Title is from a song calles Tubthumper. Not sure if you've heard it. And if you don't mind, we should have Pearlia go with Black light. Im fine either way though.

IC: Pearlia giggled, enjoying herself. The sun was starting to set, though. Pearlia shoved her eyes into Uncle Light's thick, black fur. She was very warm.
Auralia sniffed the air. There was going to be a bad thunderstorm, you could just feel the tension in the air. She watched the sky. They needed to get in soon.
Salem agreed with Belle. They would be together, no matter what. Salem was cold, there was now a wind. It pierced his skin and made him shiver. "L...let's go to the c...cave." He said, teeth chattering.
Jingle quickly put Lune on her back and ran to the cave. The wind was now fierce. Jingle did know of a cave underground, though. "Follow me!" She yelled over the now fierce wind. This was going to be a horrible thunderstorm. She ran to the spot of the cave. Sure enough, the small entrance was there, but any wolf could fit through. "Come in here! It's safe!" Jingle walked down the cave and when everybody was in, she made a head count. Everybody was in here.
Auralia rolled a rock in front of the entrance. They could hear loud thunder, but faintly. Luckily there was a large stack of wood and hot coals. It was a spacey cave, the ceiling made of rock and the ground a comfy moss. Someone had recently used it, for there were hot coals in a fire pit. "We have to wait out the storm." Aura announced.
Salem got up and walked to a dark corner, untouched by the light of the fire. He found about 29 mice! He clumsily killed two and proudly carried them to his family. "There's mice in that corner!" He gave one to Belle and it satisfied their rumbling stomachs. "Yumm."


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