Aplos Riverside

Moladion’s powerful, winding river...
Aplos River is a broad, slow-moving river originating from somewhere beneath the mountains of Spirane and feeding Iromar’s moors in the south. The northern parts of the river are known for their strong currents, with the water becoming slow moving in the south. The riverbanks vary along its course, ranging from soft hummock grasses to small groups of pine, and sometimes nothing but pebbles and sand. Crossing can be difficult at times, but it can be swam or bridged by fallen trees or boulders alike.

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"It's such a beautiful day!" RAINBOW says to herself as she gazes up at the clear, blue sky above. RAINBOW was walking along her merry way without a care in the world thinking about how happy she will be when she gets to see her babies again. They must be having such a fun time playing in the salty waters of Litherum. With a happy bark, she raced along the grassy field, her bluish fur waving behind her. Yes, yes, today was indeed a pretty day! The sun in the sky beat down upon the land with its strong rays making the giddy wolfess pant as her legs carried her along the grassy knoll.

It was hot! Well, of course it was hot, it was summer after all. But RAINBOW doesn't mind that it's hot, no she is happy that summer is here. This meant she could go swimming! Today was turning out to be a wonderful day. RAINBOW skidded to a halt and stood alone in the middle of the grassy field pondering where she wanted to go next. Was there a swimming hole here? Maybe a river she could trot in and kick up water droplets and try to catch them with her teeth? That was such a fun game to play. RAINBOW could even teach her own children how to play that game when they came back from Litherum.

It was then that something caught RAINBOW's attention in the distance. Something even prettier than the day itself with white fur. It took a moment for RAINBOW to realize that she was not alone here but when she did, another excited bark left her throat as she raced to greet her new friend. She laughed as she ran, happy to see someone else here. Maybe they would join her for a swim. They could be hot too and the water would be a fun place to play. Oh, RAINBOW could even teach her new friend to play the splash game! Yes, yes, it would be so much fun. RAINBOW practically collided with her white friend only barely able to miss her as she ran right on past. Realizing what she had done, RAINBOW dug her claws into the dirt and slid to a halt for the second time that day. Then she turned around and trotted back to meet her friend. She really was pretty with her white fur and purple eyes.

"Hello, hello! What to play with me? I think the splash game would be fun." At once she is off, asking questions that the other couldn't possibly know about and making little sense. RAINBOW is just excited to see someone new. Her tail wagged behind her making it look like a blue gray blur. Her eyes sparkled with joy and pure innocence as she waited to see if her friend would come and play with her in the river. Oh, how exciting today was turning out to be!

(Posted by Chant for Lz.)
Seven Years - Loved by None - Protected by Gabriel


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