At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


.:i used to rule the world:.

It was a sensation of relief that first affected Terrel as Mae enlightened him that she did not mind him asking – which was good, he did not wish to cause the conversation into an awkward route for Terrel was beginning to enjoy their small talks and time together. The lyrics explained that it had been a rather hot climate and far hotter than Blossom Forest any day. “I’d probably be alright, my coat isn’t that thick.” He said with a small laugh but it was quiet and perhaps a little more like a chuckle than anything else. “It sounds pleasant though but I could only stop there for a visit if I went anywhere around the area of your original land… I prefer colder weathers.” Terrel informed her with a vague smile hovering over his chocolate kissers. Snow was perfect for him; he adored covering himself in the frosted white ice. Terrel did enjoy rain too although a tepid beam of sunlight just intruded ever so slightly in front. He enjoyed rain because it was good fun just to run about, splashing others. And sun? Well it was a pleasant feeling just to bask in the sunlight and he liked nothing more than relaxing.

Terrel’s chocolate eyes noticed the vague glimmer of glee in the night time brown eyes of the girl. Though she said nothing else, obviously not wishing to test his patience and it was good that Terrel did not know this; he would have been hurt to think that he looked sinister in any way. His gaze retreated over to the water but his ears swivelled – hunting down any more lyrics that Mae might produce. He caught the placid yawn of his friend; a grin crossed his coffee brown lips before he turned his head towards her. “Keeping you up am I?” He asked with a small laugh. Terrel’s mouth closed and curved into a smile as his eyes gleamed with mischief.
The optics of the brute noticed that they were alone around this part of the river, it was either that or his eyes deceived him although his brown pools were his sharpest sense so he highly doubted it. There were plenty of scents caressing the rocks and swimming in the water so it was obvious that many wolves visited this spot in Staircase Falls. Although a wall of forest stood tall not that far off so if anyone had been watching them, no one would have noticed.

When the boy confirmed that he too wanted to be her friend, Mae’s tail thumped gently against a rock and generated a small thumping noise. Terrel was glad that she also wanted to be his friend; he had never had a friend. But he liked the feeling of being wanted.

Terrel altered the conversation to ranks and who would want what – he turned the route in her direction, questioning her on what rank she would want to be out of anything. He was oddly surprised but it did not show through on his expression. Gamma or Beta – they were quite stretched out though he did not understand what Gamma was. “You would be an honest beta, though, excuse my stupidity – what are Gamma’s purposes?” He asked just before he was asked what rank he would place himself. He thought for a moment although he already knew that rank he would have.
“Well, my first choice would be alpha. I know it’s an obvious choice but it has always been one of my ambitions, although I have never gathered the courage to place a challenge on any ranks.” He replied and licked his maw before adding: “Although my second choice would probably be beta but when I am under the protection of this pack I do not really mind what rank is placed upon me if I should ever get one.”
The multi coloured boy had always been more of a dominant wolves and out of his litter he had always been the strongest, he had concluded that that was the reason why he had been chosen to survive out of all his littermates. He obviously would have lasted longer for his twisted plot. Though he obviously hadn’t expected him to live but he had glad that it would settle his smugness into failure.

The boy’s gazers crossed up into the sky after noticing that Mae had observed it. Dark and rather gloomy clouds dotted the sky. He didn’t mind too much though, if it did start to rain Terrel would just seek shelter in Cavern of Secrets, Misty Mountain or Rainbow Cliff. And if Mae decided that she would accompany him, he would not object to it.

Terrel | Pupless | Loveless | Saw Tooth | Young Adult | Male
{Word Count: 779.}

'i used to rule the world
seas would rise when i gave the word'


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