The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


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I'll tell you anything, but I will not tell you a lie. the words struck Kohaku as timid, though they had not been spoken in such a way. Her heart did tiny palpitations underneath her ivory cloak, pumping blood through her veins far too quickly-- her head swirled. His lips, not moments before, had opened, gaping like a fish, searching for words perhaps. Two golden suns searched his own oceanic ones, focusing on one, and then going to the other. She was listening... waiting. From the beginning, I have not lied to you, Kohaku and I will not lie to you now. It was now that she wanted to surge forward as her hormones willed her to. Submerge herself in his crimson and charcoal waves, drown in his cologne and never again have to experience the cold embrace that the wind graced upon her. The wind had been her only friend. She had picked up an admirer without even taking the time or having the courage to acknowledge it. And the admirer was a solid, physical being. I have fallen for you. Call me a fool but I am falling for you. It was surreal, this situation. A prince from a monarch's loins, professing love as she had willed him to. Selifsh, selfish girl. I love you. Claws raked across the cold rock beneath her and leaned towards him, the only sign that he was going to get that she accepted those words; as Kohaku was not one to accept feelings within herself or from the hearts and minds of others. She broke eye contact with him and flattened her listeners against her ivory dial.

"you..." She bit her lip and then flicked her tassel in annoyance at her complete and udder lack to find the correct words that would assure him that she acknowledged AND returned his feelings. An unfamiliar heat ebbed to her pale cheeks and she opened her mouth, struggling for words. She probably looked just as Nikandros had not minutes beforehand. Oh how he angered her! It was not in the way that one gets angry with something or someone they detest. It was frustration-- yes, that was the word for the feeling rushing through her now. She could not think. It hurt her head to think. She grappled for the words she wished to speak, and finally put two and two together, getting them out. As she did, her eyes swiveled from side to side, a surefire sign of embarrassment and flattery. "F-foolish prince." She shouldn't walk away, she knew that. But she couldn't move forward, either. She could not embrace him and let their opposite colored cloaks mesh together. That was going against her personality and, as you probably know... that is one of the hardest things to do. How did he even like a girl like her? She was a body without a soul. Something that carried itself around and spoke when it needed to. She looked up uncertainly back at the boy and felt her chest swell a bit. Her actions may have scared him away by now, but by her portals, it was obvious that the feeling was most definitely mutual. So she closed her eyes, inhaled sharply, let it out slowly and with that breath, she let a small smile creep to the edge of her kissers.

|| kohaku || female || adult || Jeanne d'Arc x Scarface || malignant felicity || love || offspring|| kiki ||


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