Romance is in the air...this is probably the most beautiful and scenic place in Blossom Forest. For the athletic and determined to come with their mates, for time away from pups. Only adults may come here; some of the ledges are too far apart for teens or pups to cross and some too high to scale.


It's Time For Tea...

Guilt flooded her once more as the russet teens laughter subsided, instead taking on a rather sad look. Her words seem to have some effect however, as she slowly seemed to perk up once more. Lolita had no idea how to deal with the rapid mood change, so instead watched curiously. What was the worst that could happen?

"Miss Lolita Ma'am, why are you and daddy fighting? You are both avoiding each other and you are both grumpy and curt and grouchy. Daddy has been short with me and you have been ignoring me and I haven't even seen you for forevers. Why don't you two just say that you love each other and kiss and make up and then you can finally be my mommy!" Her jaw must've dropped about a mile, as she stood there shock plastered across her features. "Wha-What?!?!" she stuttered, ears locking back. Okay, this was definitely somebody somewhere pulling a massively unfunny joke. It seemed that the faeling wasn't finished though. "It's clear that you two are supposed to live happily ever after, why can't either of you see it!?"

Taking deep breaths in a attempt to calm herself, she just stared at the girl. For a very long time. "Apollonia...Where did that come from?!" So maybe she was't so composed yet. "Lonia...You have to understand that not going to happen. Ever. I'm sorry." The guilt returned, most likely because she was crushing a young wolf's dreams. But it was true! Lycaon hated her guts, and the feeling was mutual. The dappled femme circled close enough to comfortingly nuzzle the girl's ear. No doubt she'd be upset by the harsh truth for days, and Loli would undoubtedly hear about it from her adoptive father. Ah well. She sighed softly and closed her eyes. "Lonia, I would not be a good mummy anyway. I'm sure you'll get the best mother someday." she was grasping at straws, but she had to try, didn't she?

this is how I walk.
"this is how i talk."

( c ) Fantasia


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