even if the world shatters around me ;; - " />

Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


even if the world shatters around me ;;

Prince. What a perfect title. A son of royalty, an heir of power. A bit ironic in the fact that he could’ve been King if he so desired, but there was something in that reckless freedom that drew Iason to second in command. Now all he needed was his crown. And he knew exactly where to get it.

The amber-fringed boy padded gracefully through the forest that separated Andere Seite and Bright Moon, the latter being his current destination. He had crossed the river a while back, a horrible ordeal that cost him quite a bit of time. He couldn’t just go parading through the water; what a simpleton mindset. A pelt of his pedigree should not be so nonchalantly soiled by mud and fish piss and Wolfbane knew what else. So the hessian had been forced to pad up and down the river bank looking for some way to cross that liquid highway without having to dive in head first. Thankfully, he found a narrow spot in the stream, though no rocks to hop on, and the ivory lad was forced to wade through knee-deep in muck. Darcia... that bastard would pay for this, messing up his gleaming pillars. Afterall, he was the one who had to go and win a pack on the other side of the stupid river. Asshole.

He wouldn’t admit it, but Iason still had these childish thoughts quite often. He had been stripped of his childhood and forced into a world of death. Hell was what it was. Darcia knew that as well. And that’s why the two had escaped, fled like two birds from a burning cage. Their little disappearing act was quite the tale, one that made both the boys grin and gloat and all the other g-words that males do, but he’d have to tell it later. Right now he was on a mission. Two, actually. Objective number one: get to this new pack without any more filthy mishaps. Objective number two: avoid getting murdered by his best friend. Iason knew that black titan would not be happy at the white prince’s late entrance, but Iason had legitimate reasons for being tardy. Lack of good directions was one of them. Oh yeah, head towards the mountains when you reach the big oak tree. That helped a whole fucking lot.

He reached the borders though, at last, and halted in his movements. Frozen aqua portals take in the scenery, an eyebrow rising slowly at the sight. Here? Really? He had to be kidding. Half the place was burned to ash, and the other half was an impenetrable mess of a jungle. How did Darcia know he loved getting soot and burrs ground permanently into his fur? Of course that brat didn’t have to worry about those kinds of things, being dark as midnight as he was. But Iason’s polar landscape was another matter altogether. A pack was a pack, though, and the alluring pull of authority was much too strong to resist. Perhaps he could learn to live peacefully here. Perhaps.

The gold-highlighted warrior strolled leisurely over the borders, adopting a lazy pace as he wound his way towards the center of the territory. His nares worked feverishly, sentries peaked atop his skull, every sense gathering information about what lie ahead. The first thing he noticed was Darcia’s stink; it was hard to miss. A good thing, in hindsight, that Iason had his connection here already, since arrogantly barging into a foreign pack was never a smart idea. But this was no foreign pack; it belonged to Darcia now, and thus was a sanctuary for this boy as well. The next scent he detected was that of blood, a strong, bitter current of iron that left a bad aftertaste on the brute’s tongue. Not Darcia’s... no, he knew that perfume all too well. The only other odors he could detect, though, were that of females, so the owner must possess a uterus. What luck, maybe the two friends had stumbled across a harem disguised as a pack! Iason snickered childishly at his own stupid thought.

He soon came upon the central clearing, but not at the angle he had hoped. So, without a sound, Iason crept along the edge of the opening, each milky paw floating above the littered terra. His gaze kept a steady watch on the group, quickly noticing a lack of anything interesting happening. Were these girls dead or something? Finally, one of them opened their maw – the injured one, no less – but her prose was nothing to be marveled at. Two slurred words fled from their master, a warning in their tone, and Iason instantly hated it. Here was her new Alpha, her absolute ruler, and she dared threaten him with those flashing, earthen eyes? Iason was a pretty laid back guy; sarcasm was his weapon of choice, and words were all he needed to bring even the mightiest to their knees. But it was only for Darcia that Iason sacrificed his body. His blood boiled, an awful blaze in every cell of his body. He had reached his destination, though, and was forced to take his burning gaze off the wench. He’d deal with her later.

The view that now held Iason’s attention was none other than Darcia’s big ‘ol rear. Not a bad view, really, with the lad being such a stud as he was. Ditching his whole stealth mode tactic, Iason held himself high as he entered the clearing, advancing straight to Darcia’s side. At the first chance possible he shoved their fur together, every fiber interlocking like a great bipolar zipper, light and dark meeting like forbidden lovers. He rubbed his shoulder up the new monarch’s ribcage, lowering his cranium to give a big-eyed look up to his friend-now-ruler. “So sorry to keep you waiting, darling,” he purred, hoping he could butter up the vampire enough to lessen his punishment, if only by a little. Iason’s snowy banner deviously stroked the ebony back of the other’s thigh before trotting away, knowing what danger awaited his silhouette if he overstayed his welcome.

Iason passed by the wounded girl first, his playful demeanor suddenly turning sour. He eyes her condescendingly, wondering just how weak she was to get such dire injuries. And what kind of battle did she get mixed up in? Probably a lover’s quarrel, seeing as she was a female. Iason knew those slender, estrogen-filled forms all too well; they’d tell you they love you and go enjoy themselves with another on a pure whim, then come crawling back and ask for forgiveness as if their actions were uncontrollable. He raised a lip at her, ivories gleaming, making sure Darcia could not see the movement. He had so many things to say to the ess, lyrics as cruel as they were cunning, but Iason held them back out of respect for his comrade.

The second lass he came across was a rather quiet thing, neither saying nor doing anything in the time he had been present. She wasn’t anything interesting, but she didn’t put him to sleep as well. His mask suddenly lit up again, a sly smirk pulling back his charcoal kissers as he passed by. He wouldn’t burn this bridge just yet.

Almost completely circling the clearing, Iason came to a stop near the other side of Darcia and lowered his still-damp backside to the earth. The charming knight flashed another grin to the new regal, ocean orbs shooting a look that only the two knew the meaning of. Then he sat back and waited, thinking he might actually enjoy this new place. It was better than his last home, that was for sure. As long as he had Darcia, that starless night sky, Iason was content.


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