At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


NeMo <3 you were so innocent, but you were stealing my heart

There is a stillness about the land, a surrounding tranquility that seems to rest along Mother earth’s bosom like a baby being cradled. To some, it may seem otherworldly, this strange quiet. There may be something naturally unholy about it all, as if a dark presence were looming within the shadows. It is not a creature of the underworld that drifts gracefully amongst the trees. Perhaps it is a ghost with that unnatural like elegance that not many possess and therefore, it is something that they avoid. It is as if the creatures that were created so long ago were all calmly watching the movements of the lass as if they were watching a wonderful show of a ballerina dancing across a stage. I too catch myself watching eagerly while long, auburn pillars propel the girl forward towards whatever her destination may be. She has traveled far, so very far from what others say is her home.

She would disagree.

Perhaps that is why this diplomatic damsel is here now, drawing closer to the small sounds of the stream ahead. I cannot help but notice the beauty within those pained, chocolate pools for I have seen her in her previous states. I cannot but help to notice the strength within her movements that sets that perfect pace. She is a warrior, though a gentle ess she appears. Her stride not a stride but a glide, as if she is floating across the ground. The fair one stills, having reached the slight opening within the forest’s growth that shows her the beautiful view up ahead. It is hard to say if this is exactly where she wanted to be at this moment. All that is known is that is where she needs to be for the future to happen. She has paused at the opening, merely watching the water drift easily along the smooth rocks, rushing gently upon the small makeshift banks. Strange that no other is here at the stream of life, simply her in this moment, relishing in freedom.

Her name is Lihli, like the flower. This Ethiopian femme from so far away carries a wave of innocence about her. There is something pure surrounding her, as if a spirit or a guardian angel is protecting her from losing that very essence of purity. The protection seems to fall upon her like a veil, untouchable yet thirsted for by many. It is the very reason why she has come such a far ways away. Well, one of them. I catch myself smiling as I watch her finally move forward, her grace returning as her small paws delicately move along the ground until they reach the water’s edge. What is that I see? There is a trace of a smile upon the girl’s kissers, a twitch of her lips as her eyes glint down at the crystal liquid. Beautiful, for I have yet to see any glimpse of a smile since her journey began. So young she is, so fragile and yet she is stronger than many would ever even know.

The girl lowers her hind, curling her thick, russet plume around her slender pillars. Her auds rest lightly against her cranium, not in a threating manner simply in a relaxed posture. It is her normal, which is another thing some do not know. It appears the girl did not come for a drink or for any reason at all. She is simply relaxing there, letting the world slowly drift away so she may enjoy her peace. What she does not know is that the world is not a peaceful place, only those within it can make it so and sadly, they do not wish to do so.

ooc: I am trying a different writing style. You Like? :D

"Speech Speech Speech"

You were so innocent But you were stealing my heart
damsel || lone || four Photo and Table by Pompeii


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