S H A T T E R P O I N T - " />

At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.




Dear Homeland

The fallen prince, still bathed in golden hues, grinned and allowed his dreamy opal eyes to observe. Sharp, white teeth glinted as the simmering dragon opened muscular traps. The laugh was dangerous. The edge didn’t come from fear, but a deep snarling hate. Why? She might ask, why had this horrible event sank its claws into her innocent skin? Why did every ounce of energy and anger seem to fly from Kad into her unprepared body?

The menacing laugh turned south and melded itself into a thundering snarl. Help him? She was so naive, so ignorant to believe that she, a fragile whimpering girl might have any power here… let alone where they were going. No… poor princess wouldn’t likely have any say in what happened from here on, but a sacrifice was needed. A sickening slice of vindictive and sadistic amusement slipped across Kad’s face. Most of the fledgling’s rambling words failed to penetrate the chambers of Kadiri’s prison-like skull. The changes in her tone were mildly interesting - shifting from pleading to sympathetic to annoyed, perhaps. Admittedly, her proposition that he sleep while she watch was the best sign of comedy the prince had experienced in a long time. Laughs aside, eventually her multitude of offers to “help” ground and wore at his frankly fading patience. Under the stormy surface of anger, focus and borderline insanity, it was nagging him - no taunting - to remember his past life, with infinite servants to direct and order.

It looked like he was going to have to take this in a different direction. His parcel showed unmistakable signs of being gullible, inexperienced, innocent and much too willing to trust; this characteristics could be taken advantage of. Sure, Kadiri’s nerves fired and snapped more in the direction of violence and anger but his mind was iron driven around the task at hand: doing it this way would be more efficient. It took more effort to surface from the murky waters that made up the inside of his skull. Fighting aside the daunting madness until the forest green and black darling in front of him were clear, Kad sighed, then beckoned to the girl… Macaria.

“Pleasure, Miss Macaria”. Maybe it was unfair that his twisted soul also spewed eloquent dialogue, though it dripped in sarcasm. Turning to glance back at her, eyes a shade of glimmering pale green, he spoke again on a more serious note - “My name is Kadiri, you may call me Kad if you find it more convenient. And, as a matter of fact, I do require your assistance. We have quite the journey ahead of us, Macaria; it is imperative that it is successful”. Well there was putting an understatement out there. Kad curled his lips up in another snarl, facing away from the girl it would be invisible to her, though his next words carried enough of the danger.

“Unfortunately, it is no longer your choice if you are an instrument of success or not. It is mine”.

Kadiri || Prince || Young Adult || Hearthrob || Soare Table by Mimi


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