At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Run, If You Intend To Survive[Grey Wind]

Her encounters with the Saw Tooth ess were intriguing to say the very least. The girl was an opposite to herself, something that was to be compared to a ray of light in the darkness. She was soft and kind, and Aerten could not help but marvel over the fact that the girl had nearly reached adulthood yet retained such features. She was an enigma, and one that Aerten was torn between attempting to understand, and attempting to dismantle completely. Part of her wished to take her and crush her like a flower beneath her paws, another wished to shelter her and watch in awe as she bloomed. Dib certainly would be unprepared either way, and the fact amused the russet assassin greatly; the girl's innocence was not to be mistaken for helplessness however. Dib had the heart of a warrior in her chest no matter how she acted, and perhaps that was what drew the older ess like moth to a flame. A shame her disability, and the fact she had not been born into a pack like her own, which would've sharpened those latent talents she quite so obviously possessed.

Aerten would not head back to Abentrot right away, not yet. After all, she carried the slightest tang of Saw Tooth upon her pelt, and that was simply something she did not wish to explain. She was well aware of the steady deterioration of her King, and in such a state she would not want to be the subject of his building fury. It wasn't that she was doing anything particularly traitorous, however Saw Tooth was foolish, idealistic and not to be trusted. Abentrot and Saw Tooth warriors were never meant to mix, yet there she was blatantly defying the unspoken rule. How strange things had turned out lately.

Up ahead, rushing water could be heard and the russet femme fatale allowed herself to relax slightly, knowing she would be in the clear soon. Her loyalty to Abentrot was unswerving, but who knew how others would perceive her visitations. This put her in no rush as she waltzed forwards towards the water, lowering her elegant cranium to drink softly before doing anything else.

"I want my innocence back," she snarls.


||Aerten||Maiden||Epsilon||Abentrot Assassin||Tamed By None||No Heirs||PixieEclipse||


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