At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


~Disappear only to Reappear~

Careful paw steps led the brute out of the dark forest, a weight off of his chest and his heart bleeding down his sleeve. He started to run, feeling the wind peel back his face and sending a chill up his spine. Legs powered him through the grass, feeling the warm taste of the sun slide down his back, into the muscles that pushed the legs that propelled him forward. He was alone. But he would not be for long. The tiny blades of grass slithered through his claws and pads with a sensation that was denied and accepted repeatedly. Trees surged past him, sending him shadows made of finger that scraped down his pelt with a melted goodness. He was swift. He was true. He was pure.

And the trees disappeared as the bare face of the plain enveloped his face. With a surge of his head, his speed gained, giant legs taking on great distances, galloping at a speed that sent the chills through him with a powerful sensation. Every single fiery passion gave him the life he deserved, pulling him towards them with hands as strong as the winds. Zev felt the air flood his pelt, pushing him forward as he ran, journeying the same distance at the same speed with a being they would always know. For when Zev died, he knew he would be apart of the wind. The green grass fell away to long beachy stalks of plants that hid his lower self from anything that could see. And as fast as the pine tree scent had fallen away, the deciduous forest took his place, the musty scent of fruit and dried leaves evaporating every other scent in the area like dew on a bright morning. Only by a few notches did his pace slow, the brute flying over logs and thickets of brambles with feet of area to spare.

He was almost there. They were coming from different places, and he knew he would see her hear. It was an unwritten promise, one they both did not know they had committed. But she would be here. The sound of water filled the pit of his ears, and with a sudden break in the surface of the trees, the gray brute found himself alone in the center of a small clearing, water piling down the rocks. Breathing heavily, he stood, taking in the area. He reached down and took a small lap of the water below, regaining his breath and waiting as the pulsing in his veins slowly started to ease. The brute found himself sitting by the edge of a tree that looked like it was going to fall to the ground. But as he got closer, he realized it was sturdy, and fell down into the cool dirt underneath.


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