when the days are cold

Danny stared up at Flynn with big eyes. Panic and worry, and no small amount of guilt, warred with the ultimate trust that was always there when Danny looked to his older brother. Danny held his brother up as an example of everything good and noble, thought Flynn was the strongest and bravest man he'd ever known; though Khasekhemwy and Dr. Gupta also held special places in his heart, no one came close to reaching Flynn's hero status in Danny's eyes. There was, of course, a small part of him that knew that Flynn was only human, with human faults, but it was a small and largely ignored piece of himself. It seemed so much... easier, to put his faith in Flynn and know that no matter what he would fix everything. Danny sucked in a shaky breath and nodded as Flynn asked him to wait just a moment, trying to still his own trembling in the brief minute Flynn was gone. Sol, purring in a desperate offer of comfort, butted his big head against his boy until Danny wrapped both arms around his throat and buried his face in the tiger's soft fur. Danny released his familiar as Flynn returned, wrapping his thin arms around Flynn and squeezing tight at his brother's quick hug. Danny's fists tangled in his brother's shirt, hanging on to him for dear life even as Flynn gently held him out to arm's length. His blue-green eyes met Flynn's steady blue, and he felt the tension slowly leach out of him. It was all going to be okay, he just knew it.

Danny's mouth opened, ready to object when Flynn firmly, but gently, told him that it wasn't his fault. How could it not be his fault, he wondered, when it was his words and his own stupid ignorance that had sent Renn into such a flurry? But... If Flynn said it, wasn't it true? Danny took a shuddering breath and nodded, trying to push back the lingering doubts. It didn't matter how he felt anyways, it was Renn that was important. Danny bit his lip, studying Flynn's familiar features as the older man went on. His expression changed, this time becoming a bit more thoughtful and a little confused as he puzzled out what Flynn was saying. Renn was sick? But shouldn't he, as an apprentice healer, have known that? But it was her mind, and Danny thought, her heart, that were sick, not her body. A cut, a bruise, a broken bone, these were things Danny was familiar with and could have healed, but this mind-sickness... Danny's frown deepened, realizing that there was an entire section of the medical field he had yet to understand. And he desperately wanted to understand it, if only for his sister's sake. It was a sign of how much he'd begun to move past his fear that Danny's mind latched on to the idea and began compiling questions for the good doctor and books he'd have to get from the library. Maybe Khase would have ideas on books as well, although his mentor was more and more discombobulated as he went on without his magic.

"Okay," Danny said slowly after a moment of thought, sucking in a deep breath that expanded his ribs and letting it out slowly. He could do this. This was just like when someone came in and was badly hurt, and he couldn't let panic and worry get in the way of what he needed to do. Renn needed her family, and they had to be strong for her. He sucked in another slow breath, looking up at his brother again as he placed his hand, and his faith, into his brother's without hesitation. Danny nodded. "Let's go help Renn."


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