At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Valar Morghulis: All Men Must Die (Kershov)

What do we say to the god of death? Not today.


Life didn’t seem real anymore, how could things be real? It felt like she was floating, like she was in a dream. Except she knew that she was awake, she knew it because there was a pain filling her that she didn’t know was possible. The pain brought back all kinds of memories she had hidden away, memories that when she visited made her go mad. It was what had made her sister become the way she was, become so fearful and hating everyone else. When she thought of her sister the pain increased, but she didn’t understand why. Heavy paws carried her form aimlessly through the trees, not paying attention to where she was or where she was going.

Her thoughts drifted to home, her old home, and to her mother and father and siblings. Everyone who was dead and who she assumed must be dead since she hadn’t seen them in so long. She remembered having to run and hide for so long, remembered hiding behind the trees when she finally found her sister again, in the paws of the lupines that she had just escaped from. Her sister sitting properly and elegantly next to her soon to be mate and their father. Watched the conversation that went on and watched the bigger wolf come in and kill her father, savagely tearing open his jugular. She had never seen so much blood before, and her sister just sat there and cried, had done nothing. She remembered when she found out that her sister had finally escaped and the two had run away together, fleeing from the evil ones that had held them captive for so long. She remembered running into a friend from home, on the run just as they were. He had been an older wolf, one that had been loyal to her mother and father for years before they lost their before, before everything bad had happened. And he told them that their mother was dead, that their home was destroyed and there was nothing to go back to. He knew nothing of their siblings, he said they were most likely all dead. And that was the first time that Nymeria learned what loss and pain and devastation was. She didn’t know it was possible to hurt the way that she had hurt then. For once, it was Lady that had saved her. Had pulled her out of the dark and kept her alive. If the younger femme had been on her own she would not have survived, she would have curled up into a ball and never stood again.

And now that pain was back. The pain that she thought had been over, the pain she wished to never experience again. Being with her sister was usually more annoying than anything, but she was family, she was a piece of home that she would never be able to get back. And now that piece was gone. How could she be gone? When the words entered her head she felt an emptiness inside of her, and emptiness that would consume her and destroy her if she did not have someone to save her this time. But now that her last family was dead, who would be there to save her and pull her out of the darkness? Suddenly her paws felt too heavy to move anymore and she stopped her slow walk, not lifting her head to see where it was that she had ended up. She knew it was no longer near Moondown Shadows, but she didn’t care anymore if she ever went back to that pack. Her sister was gone, how could she pretend to care about anyone else?

Nymeria’s smaller gray and white form fell to the ground with a thud, not noticing the pain that ran through one of her legs as she fell down funny. She didn’t feel anything anymore, just sorrow and emptiness. The femme pulled her legs in closer, pushing her nose into her fur, as if to hide from the world. Maybe if she curled into a tight enough ball the pain would go away, the world would go away, and she could just die here in peace. Maybe if she died she would see her sister again, and her mother and father and brothers. That was the only comforting thought that Nymeria could think of as she finally let the tears fall. Sobs racking her body as she curled into a fetal position, wishing now more than anything that she had her mother.

OOC: So I just did like we talked about and fast forwarded as if Lady had already died (which she will be very soon, the birthing thread I have with Striker in Moondown Shadows is the last thread I’m going to have with her) so we can get the Ker/Kira plot underway =)


**Nymeria**Ess**Loveless**No Pups**Moondown Shadows**Young Teen**Sister of Lady, Grey Wind, Summer, Rickon, and Ghost**Violet


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