The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


ARCADIA {akuji}


maybe she was being a little childish at this point.

after everything that had happened with her father and shae, she had reacted somewhat poorly. she’d left without a word, shooting a betrayed look at her father (who had been a little distracted, running after his - well, she didn’t know what they were). she wasn’t really sure what she was the most hurt about, the fact that he hadn’t told her anything about shae (who was pregnant!), that he had betrothed her to a stranger, or that he was moving on, starting a family, just as she was preparing to leave - either as someone’s new mate or as a diplomatic peace treaty. either way, the wound her father had already carved had gotten deeper. she had not yet cried, but she didn’t doubt that it would happen sooner or later.

she would much prefer later.

akuji had been watching her, this much she was certain of. there was no other who would - cold summers was small and even if it was quite large, she was a secretive young woman. the knowledge that it was him in the shadows gave her a thrill down her spine and made her feel, if only a little, bit safer. if she were to be murdered, it would be at his teeth and that was okay. if she was a stepping stone to healing, she would die knowing she had made some difference in the world. it was a nice thought. she found that if she focused on someone else’s pain, her’s didn’t seem so bad. and akuji was like an open wound with salt poured in - the depth of broken in him was outrageous and frightening and he desperately needed healing, patching, anything to lessen his burden.

and well, katia was more than willing to be the healer to patch him up.

two toned eyes glanced over her shoulder, lips curled down into a frown. betrayal crawled across her ribs like a creeping fire, pushing closer and closer to her heart, ready to set her ablaze. running away from her problems had always worked before, so why not do it again? as twilight began to descend on the haven, katia slipped out of the territory and for once, she prayed that akuji would be too caught up in himself to bother with her. she didn’t think she could bear it - she was certain that this pressure mounting in her chest would crawl up her throat, would choke her until she could hardly breathe, would crush everything in her until she was left a raw, bloody pulp.

she wanted to scream until her throat was hoarse and cry until her eyes felt scratchy and raw and not be bothered by the world until she wanted to be. katia didn’t want to be a princess, didn’t want to be a heir to the throne, didn’t want to be caspian’s daughter anymore. when had any of that done good by her? it was like she was the butt of fate’s sick, twisted joke. she had tried so hard, tried to be the best she could possibly be as a princess, as a daughter, as a wolf in general, and yet she was the one breaking, was the one pulled much too taut, a rubber band stretched too thin and ready to snap. katia had tried to be positive all her life, tried hard not to utter “it’s not fair” because she knew others had it much worse than she did, but she was ready to give up, was ready to throw it all away and become a gypsy.

katia lasted for all of ten minutes in the free lands before she started sprinting. tears began to fall freely moments later and between the harsh inhales and the choked sobs, the burn of her lungs felt like the pain she craved so desperately. physical pain was a far easier burden to carry than emotional pain.
charcoal legs ate up the ground in long, graceful strides as ran, tears blurring her eyesight as she made her way through the darkening lands of blossom forest. earth melted into stone under her paws and she slowed, breathing coming in harsh breaths from her open maw. trembling and damp with sweat, the princess looked upon the cavern with hesitation. without a solitary look back, however, she made her way to the gaping opening, diluted coat gradually being eaten by shadows until she was encased in darkness. two-toned eyes adjusted gradually and she found relief in the cool darkness. she found herself leaning against the wall with little memory of how she came to be there, the damp coolness a lovely contrast against her heated flesh.


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