During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


A Lily No Longer


Ameira was pulled from her reverie by a bark that matched her own, and snapped her head up, her ears erect as they swiveled about, searching for the origin of the call, but not for the identity, for she knew who it was - Titan. It had not been an easy decision to yield the pack to him both because she had ruled alone and because she had been in control. But that was all different now - they ruled Munashii Gekko together, but overall it was he who had the final say, not she. Overall, though, it was a better situation than any of the alternatives. She could have simply walked away, and abandoned the pack that she had put time and effort in, ensuring that she knew the members, which she never would have done. Or, instead of compromising with him, she could have actually gone through with the battle. Had he won, she would have had absolutely no say in how the pack was ruled. Had she won, she would not have had his experience available to her, and the pack would not have had the benefit of his rule. Everything was as it should be, and yet... It had taken a little getting used to. Ameira paused in her stride and sat, lowering herself to the ground in a sitting position until he arrived, the laird's long limbs trotting toward her and slowing.

'Ameira, it’s good to see you. How have you been these last few weeks?'

Ameira smiled at the laird and dipped her head to him in greeting.

"I have been doing well... I did have to leave Munashii Gekko for a few weeks for... Personal matters." The lass steeled herself and bit the inside of her cheek while her stomach flipped at the mere thought of it. She had needed to think about the fact that Hercules was likely out looking for her, and had had to find out not only if she was safe here, but if the pack was safe with her here. Ameira had been happy to find that Hercules had not picked up her trail at all... It seemed at least for now, she was safe. It was something she needed to keep an eye on, something she needed to keep track of. For if ever her presence would bring harm to those within Munashii Gekko, she would either need to face Hercules... Or leave and continue to run from him. "At any rate, everything has been settled and I am back." In hindsight, the lass realized that she likely should have mentioned her absence to him, but she did not want others to ask questions about her past. Eventually, she knew it would come out if she stayed around here... But with Horizon being the only varg she trusted, she did not want the information getting out.

'We should touch base on a few things. Mostly, I have news regarding Horizon. Is there anything you have to update me on?'

Ameira raised her brows and shook her head - she had not talked with any of the pack members after the meeting, but then she remembered that right before she had left, she had accepted a new pack member, Alexandria. "Oh.." She paused, and then decided to tell him about her before Horizon was brought to the center of the conversation. That would likely be longer of a discussion than the mention of a new member. "There is a new lassie I accepted shortly after the meeting concluded by the name of Alexandria. She seemed frightened but did not divulge any specifics. Now what news did you have about my dear friend?" Almost as an after thought, she smiled and spoke once more. "And your mate? Have you had any word from her?"

||Ameria||Lovers||Lily of Munashii Gekko||Adult||Ameira||


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