Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


coldbeauty [Liberty;; Milo]

cause they know, i know

a brush of air swept through an overhang of moss, the tendrils swaying gently to the silent beat of the earth. A breath of air swirled around the small cave disturbing no one, not even the shadow crowned snow czarina. a small murmur of breath left her lips before silence settled over the cavern once again. the steady drip of water into pristine pools that had once lulled her to sleep had vanished in the summer’s heat. her breath remained steady in the absence of the watery droplets. outside of her black vision, the stony ground of the mountain laid bare and dust drifted and fell to the ground filling the small crevasses. grayish clouds hung around the crags of the mountains the snow princess inhabited. she had picked this place because of its cold and barren landscape, usually glittering under the cover of snow. the lusciously coated healer was not so bothered by the cold, she rather enjoyed the tundra. it was her place of birth and she held dearly to those roots. the sights and sounds of Blossom Forest were unlike anything she had ever seen, she was a foreigner in these lands, though she had arrived moons ago. the mountain she had chosen was the closest habitat to one she would have been inclined to reside in. it was the sound of tumbling stones that awoke the snow princess, her sylvan optics staring at the piled stones. a soft sigh escaped her lips, there seemed no reason to attempt sleeping any longer.

well worn pads stretched out, claws dragged against temperate stone as the snowy angel rose up. a small shake rid her luscious coat of debris. a new day had risen above her and the night had brought forth nothing. the grayish clouds that stretched, swirled and swarmed together letting never let loose their showers of icy flakes; the same that had dotted the shadow accented lady. a neutral facade remained in place. she missed the feel and rush of cold air against her skin and the light flakes touch her outstretched tongue. her carefree spirit had revelled in it and in the absence of another’s presence. it was moments like those that the lady would allow herself the freedom to express more childlike ambitions. she thought nostalgically about how she had committed to memory the stretch of tunnels and caves she had created over her days of solitude; when the snow had still blanketed the land. the way her paws left light indentions in the fresh layers of frozen flakes, a gentle push here and there would reveal the entrances to white caverns and extending tunnels. her precise pressure and delicacy of touch made the stability of the architecture inexplicably secure. it would’ve take more than just a friendly shove to tear down the tundress’ maze.

it had been a strange site to see the bob of black pop up among the drifts of white, one might have easily assumed it was a pup playing among friends. but the silence that canvassed the mountainside suggested otherwise. mountains like this one, so steeply entrenched in ice and snow would have easily sent a untrained wolf tumbling to their death. though in this drought of life’s liquid maybe it was not so dangerous. the mountain had been dangerously beautiful and that alone had attracted the beauty of onyx and porcelain that now inhabited it. multitudes of reasons had also drawn Alaska to its deathly grip, and kept her there.

silence layered over the mountain in these early hours and so the onyx caped czarina pulled herself from the depths of the cave. her paws tread with ease and accuracy along the cliff’s edge. Alaska laid herself precariously on the rim of the mountain and watched the dancing figures below with a detached interest. would any venture to her landscape to escape into the more moderate temperatures of the mountain?

that they don’t look like me

~ Alaska ~ Adult ~ Femme ~ Mate ~ Offspring ~ Pack ~ Rank ~ Alesana~


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